A new seminar series on one of the EMTHERA key technologies is about to kick-off in Frankfurt: Artificial Intelligence in Life Science. Starting in fall 2022, the series will be featuring renowned international speakers. It is addressed to scientists on all career levels and with varying backgrounds, from bioinformatics, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, structural biology and pharmacology to medicine. Besides being offered virtually, the seminar series will be held locally - if possible - in order to foster exchange and potential collaborations.
The seminar series is supported by ENABLE – a cluster project funded by the State of Hesse, the GRADE Center IQbio - a cooperation between the Goethe University Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and ReALity – a research initiative of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Link to ENABLE: https://enable-frankfurt.de/en
Link to GRADE IQbio: https://fias.institute/en/iqbio
Link to ReALity: https://reality.uni-mainz.de/