EMTHERA PI Daniela Krause was appointed as the new director of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine – Transfusion Centre at the University Medical Center Mainz on October 16, 2023. Additionally, she assumes the newly established W3 professorship for transfusion medicine. Before moving to Mainz, Daniela Krause led the Hematological Laboratory at the University Hospital Marburg, worked at the German Red Cross Blood Donation Service in Baden-Württemberg/Hessen and held a W2 professorship in Cell and Gene Therapy at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Krause's appointment follows the retirement of Walter Hitzler.
The University Medical Center Mainz emphasizes the significance of Daniela Krause's role in advancing blood product manufacturing and introducing new cell therapies.
Her expertise and commitment to interdisciplinary research are expected to contribute to the development of transfusion medicine and immunological research in Mainz.
Daniela Krause’s research focuses on innovative therapies for blood disorders such as leukemia, and on strategies to enhance blood-forming stem cells, particularly in the bone marrow.
As the new director of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine – Transfusion Centre and W3 professor in transfusion medicine, she aims to expand cell therapy at the University Medical Center Mainz and strengthen its position within transfusion medicine. Additionally, Daniela Krause plans to support existing research in immunology, hematology, immunotherapy and aging, focusing on the clinical importance of these areas.
University Medical Center Mainz press release: https://www.unimedizin-mainz.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/aktuellemitteilungen/newsdetail/article/transfusionsmedizinerin-daniela-krause-wechselt-als-leitung-an-die-universitaetsmedizin-mainz.html?tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=a66274b9e2e384da492cb3c8df977200
Institute of Transfusion Medicine – Transfusion Centre: https://www.unimedizin-mainz.de/transfusionszentrale/startseite/startseite.html